Laser Treatments

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Now You Can Get Your Flawless Hair-Free Skin!

We have a solution for your unwanted body hair. So, say goodbye to shaving, waxing, and other painful hair-removing methods.

The Aesthetic World offers advanced laser technology, which is an FDA-approved treatment and safe for the body. We utilise virtually Pain Free Laser Hair Removal that targets the hair with precision without causing any damage to surrounding cells. The treatment works by using high intensity laser light to target and destroy the hair follicle.

This is coupled with the chill tip probe, a technique where the handpiece is moved slowly over the skin until it reaches the optimum therapeutic temperature to ensure full coverage with minimal discomfort.

Our expertise, combined with the use of cutting-edge technology, ensures that you get the most effective virtually painless laser hair removal treatment.

  • You will no longer need to wax, pluck or shave unwanted hair on the face and body.

  • Suitable on all skin types

  • We utilise the advanced award-winning technology which is safe and highly effective

  • Significant reduction in hair growth after as few as 6 appointments. Hair becomes less thick and softer with time, resulting in smoother skin.

  • Elimination of ingrown hairs

  • Simple procedure that is virtually painless and requires no downtime

  • Effective treatment for patients who suffer from PCOS or hirsutism

  • All treatments are carried out by highly skilled and experienced Aesthetic Practitioners


Almost any part of your body and face can be effectively treated with laser hair removal.

We offer only the safest and most effective laser hair removal treatments for patients of all skin types and colours. Even if you have dark skin and light hair, our innovative lasers and skilled technicians can achieve excellent results for you.

You can get rid of shaving and other painful methods by taking Laser Hair Removal treatment. Your hair thickness will turn into thin hair, and the growth process will get slow.

There are no major side effects of laser hair removal, but you may experience some common after-treatment side effects such as skin irritation, Redness, bruising or mild swelling on the skin.

Yes, you can shave your treated area between two laser sessions. When shaving, you will notice a significantly reduced hair growth on the treated region even after the first treatment session.

No, it is just a myth about laser hair removal. As it is an FDA approved treatment that ensures the safety of the patient’s skin.


It is a non-surgical and non-invasive laser skin treatment that can focus on specific problem areas in multiple areas on the body and not just the face. It is a revolutionary technology that delivers ultra-short pulses of energy (but not heat) to target problem areas, creating an intense impact that shatters the target skin pigment or particles that are easily eliminated by the body.

Skin revitalisation uses short pulses of micro-fine laser light to reach deeply into the skin’s sub-layers, treating the support structure. Then, the body’s natural healing process sweeps away older, damaged tissue and rebuilds it with fresh, new collagen and elastin – the crucial building blocks of normal, healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Only Focus treatments lighten unwanted pigment and uniquely stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin without the pain or downtime of other laser treatments.

Patients only feel mild to no discomfort during treatment as Pico does not ablate or burn off the outer layer of skin. This is a quick procedure with minimal discomfort and with minimal downtime. Your skin will be red for sometime but will be nearly back to normal the next day.You will require three to four treatments about three to four weeks apart.

Benefits of Skin Revitalising Laser

Treats uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and brown spots

  • Quick, non-invasive treatment with minimal downtime

  • Reduces pigmentation

  • Reduces the look of acne scars without harming the surrounding skin

  • Award winning and FDA approved


Results will vary from patient to patient, but most cases require between 4 to 6 treatments to achieve the desired results. Each session will last between 15 and 30 minutes.

Similar to the ageing process, this varies from patient to patient. However, taking steps to protect your rejuvenated skin (i.e. by using SPF sunscreen, facial cleansers and creams) the results and effects will last for longer.

It is safe as it works on a specific wavelength to target the pigmentation selectively, leaving the surrounding areas undamaged. After the treatment, the area may turn red and swell. However, it will subside in several hours.

The number of treatment sessions required for every patient is different. Generally, 4 to 6 treatment sessions, 4-6 weeks apart, are required to see the optimal results.